No. | Nama Dosen/Mahasiswa | Judul Karya Ilmiah, Tahun, Nama Jurnal/Prosiding/Buku, Nomor Halaman |
1. | Dr. Silvi Listia Dewi, M.Pd. | Students’ attitudes to metacognitive strategies for learning how to read, 2020, International Journal of language studies |
2. | Dr. Silvi Listia Dewi, M.Pd. | Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) to strengths the culture and citenzenship literacy of EFL pre-service teachers, 2023, Studies in English language and Education |
3. | Dr. Silvi Listia Dewi, M.Pd. | Identification of lake tarusan as a nature tourism destination in agam district west sumatra, 2021, Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography, and geography education |
4. | Dr. Silvi Listia Dewi, M.Pd. | Pelatihan Bahasa Inggris komunikatif dengan bermain dan bernyayi bagi siswa SD Negeri 15 Peusangan Bireuen Aceh |
5. | Dr. Silvi Listia Dewi, M.Pd. | Draw label caption (DLC) technique: a strategy to boost writing ability of first year students of SMKN 1 Peusangan, 2018, Journal of majalah ilmiah Universitas Almuslim |
6. | Dr. Silvi Listia Dewi, M.Pd. | The Effect of metacognitive strategy instruction on students’ reading skill across different learning styles, 2017, Universitas Negeri Malang |
7. | Dr. Silvi Listia Dewi, M.Pd. | The Effect of Using Digital Diorama on Student’s Speaking Skill Performance, 2023, Jurnal Ilmiah Global Education 4 (1), 78-87 |
8. | Zuraini, S.Pd., M.Pd., C.Ed. | Challenges in Teaching Speaking to EFL Learners, 2016, Proceeding of EEIC |
9. | Zuraini, S.Pd., M.Pd., C.Ed. | Efektifitas Pembelajaran E-learning di era new normal , 2021, Genta Mulia : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan |
10. | Zuraini, S.Pd., M.Pd., C.Ed. | Upaya meningkatkan pemecahan masalah siswa melalui model problem based learning berbantuan multimedia interaktif |
11. | Zuraini, S.Pd., M.Pd., C.Ed. | Empowering speaking skill through mikrosoft office 365 as a learning medium during a pandemic covid 19,2021, ICORSH, Atlantic Press |
12. | Zuraini, S.Pd., M.Pd., C.Ed. | Pelatihan pengembangan profesi guru dalam bidang penelitian dan publikasi karya ilmiah di sekolah dasar, 2023, Rambideun: jurnal pengabdian kepada masyarakat |
13. | Zuraini, S.Pd., M.Pd., C.Ed. | Pelaksanaan Pendidikan Profesi Guru pada Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Almuslim, 2022, Pedagogik: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Fakultas Tarbiyah |
14. | Zuraini, S.Pd., M.Pd., C.Ed. | Boosting the students in mastering writing skill through the implementation of PPIE (point, presentation, illustration, explanation)technique, 2021, Jurnal Culture (culture, language and literature) |
15. | Zuraini, S.Pd., M.Pd., C.Ed. | Pengembangan modul E-learning berbasis learning management system sebagai media interaktif pada complex english grammar, 2023, JIIP: jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan |
16. | Zuraini, S.Pd., M.Pd., C.Ed. | Pelatihan Belajar Bahasa Inggris menggunakan flash card test untuk anak usia dini saat new normal, 2020, Rambideun: Jurnal Pengabdian masyarakat |
17. | Zuraini, S.Pd., M.Pd., C.Ed. | Pelatihan Pentingnya Hakikat Kategori Adopter (Innovator, Early Adopter, Early Majority, Late Majority, Lagard) dalam Difusi Inovasi Pendidikan di Sekolah Dasar, 2023, Community Development Journal: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 4 (4), 7643-7649 |
18. | Zuraini, S.Pd., M.Pd., C.Ed. | Inovasi Pendidikan, 2023, Sada Kurnia Pustaka |
19. | Zuraini, S.Pd., M.Pd., C.Ed. | Challenges in teaching speaking to EFL learners, 2016, Proceedings of English Education International Conference 1 (2), 542-546 |
20. | Zuraini, S.Pd., M.Pd., C.Ed. | Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Siswa Melalui Model Problem Based Learning Berbantuan Multimedia Interaktif. AKSIOMA: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika …, 2023, AKSIOMA: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika 12 (1) |
21. | Misnawati, M.Pd, CIIQA. | Elevating students’ ability in reading comprehension through runners strategy (a collaborative classroom action research to the second year studets of SMA Negeri 1 simpang mamplam), 2021, Journal Sains Edukasi dan Ekonomi (JSEE) |
22. | Misnawati, M.Pd, CIIQA. | Dampak implementasi Program pembelajaran Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) di Universitas Almuslim , 2023, Reslaj: Religion Education Social, Laa Raoiba Jurnal |
23. | Misnawati, M.Pd, CIIQA. | Pemberdayaan guru dalam penggunaan platform Google classroom pada masa New normal di MTsS Nurul Qur’an , 2021, Rambideun: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat |
24. | Misnawati, M.Pd, CIIQA. | Improving Students’ Ability in Writing Descriptive Text Trough Draw Label Caption (Dlc) Technique to the Second Year Students of SMPN 1 Peudada (A Collaborative Classroom …, 2018, Jurnal Pendidikan Almuslim 6 (1) |
25. | Misnar, M.A. | Peningkatan Kompetensi pedagogik guru paud nenggunakan tikar monopoli bebasis lesson study, 2023, JEA (jurnal Edukasi Paud) |
26. | Misnar, M.A. | Reformasi sekolah melalui lesson study untuk membangun learning community menuju pembelajaran abad 21 di SD Negeri 6 Kuta Blang, 2019, Baktimas: jurnal pengabdian masyarakat |
27. | Misnar, M.A. | Pendampingan LSLC menuju caring community untuk guru bahasa inggris dalam meningkatkan HOTS peserta didik, di SMA 2 Peusangan, 2021, Rambideun: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat |
28. | Misnar, M.A. | Pelatihan Rancangan Pembelajaran Konservasi Lingkungan Berbasis Local Wisdom Melalui Lesson Study pada Lembaga Penjaga Hutan Kampung (LPHK) di Kabupaten Bener Meriah, 2022, Lumbung Inovasi: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 7 (4), 756-764 |
29. | Misnar, M.A. | Peningkatan Kompetensi Pedagogik Guru Paud Menggunakan Tikar Monopoli Berbasis Lesson Study, 2023, JEA (Jurnal Edukasi AUD) 9 (1), 43-50 |
30. | Eli Nofriati, M.Pd. | Improving essay writing using the Semantic Mapping Technique, 2017, English Education Journal |
31. | Eli Nofriati, M.Pd. | Pelatihan Pemanfaatan Sampah Plastik Menjadi Kerajinan Tangan Di Desa Meunasah Drang, 2022, Aquana: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 3 (2), 88-92 |
32. | M. Afrizal, M.Pd. | A classroom action research: improving speaking skill through information gap activities, 2015, English Education Journal |
33. | M. Afrizal, M.Pd. | Improving students writing skill by using scrambel sentence method, 2016, jurnal pendidikan almuslim |
34. | M. Afrizal, M.Pd. | Improving Students’speaking Fluency through the Implementation of Trivia-Based Activity on University Students: Improving Students’speaking Fluency Through the Implementation …, 2022, Journal of English Education and Social Science 2 (1). |
35. | Chalil As’ari, M.Pd. | Sosialisasi Pengenalan Tes Toefl untuk siswa SMA sukma Lhokseumawe, 2022, Aquana: jurnal pengabdian masyarakat |
36. | Chalil As’ari, M.Pd. | Pelatihan Pengajaran English for Young learners bagi guru-guru SDN 7 Muara Satu Kecamatan Muara Satu Kota Lhokseumawe, 2019,Rambideun: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada masyarakat |
37. | Intan Zuhra, M.Pd. | Local wisdom in “whatdid kids do before television was invented?”by peter c. Kratcoski, 2019, proceeding of international conference on literature |
38. | Intan Zuhra, M.Pd. | Using PRAAT in Teaching the Monophthongs to the EFL Students in Indonesia, 2023, Journal of English Language Teaching 7 (2), 232-239 |
39. | Amy Mastura | Boosting the L2 Learners’ Reading Comprehension Capability by employing Nearpod Media, 2023: IJORER |
40. | Nanda Husaini | An analysis of figurative languages on Robert Frost Poems the Road not taken and stopping by woods Ona a snowy Evening: a reflection of America culture in general, 2021, JEESS: Journal of English Education and Social Science |